Thursday, September 21, 2017


After a long time of not wearing a lot of jewelry on my wrists, I finally decided it was time for a watch. It's not like I didn't have any watches, as a matter of fact I own three more. But one of them is totally not my style, the other one is broken and the third has golden details. I prefer silver coloured jewelry because they suit my skin tone better as I'm a summer type. This means that I am a cool and light person. When you wear a certain colour it has to be in harmony with your complexion. I might do an article about that so you guys get a better understanding of what I mean with that. I am a cool person and silver is the best colour for people with cool skin tones. I wasn't looking for a watch at all, one day I walked into a store and ta-da! There it was waiting for me! I've worn it every day since then and wanted to share it with you.
I really love the nude strap because it is a versatile colour and easily to combine with all your other jewelry. As you can see I paired the watch with a few bracelets that have cold ánd warm tones. This is a fashion rule meant to be broken! It actually works really well because mixing two or more metals actually adds a little oomph and grunge to your look. It doesn't always have to be matchy-matchy. The fun lies in the unexpected. Okay enough with the clichés. What do you think of my new watch? And are you a watch person or do you check your phone if you want to see what time it is... I would love to hear from you!



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