This morning my boyfriend surprised me with two small boxes of fresh raspberries. Thanks babe! He had picked those up on his way back home. My raspberry heart immediately started beating faster. I googled a little and after a short while I decided I wanted to make raspberry muffins for breakfast. Mind you, it was almost noon by then so I was a little hungry hasty.

I try to make something new in the kitchen every week because it's fun and in our country there is at least one sad rainy day a week. And rainy day cooking is the best type of cooking in my opinion. (Right behind an outside BBQ at a kitchen Island in Barbados of course).
Kitchen duty is something I like. So I'm in luck when people make me choose what part of the household I want to be responsible for this week. With a weary expression on my face I moan and say: "Well, it's not much of a choice but I guess I'll take kitchen..." And then I am exactly where I wanna be ;-).

I couldn't find a recipe that I wanted to follow. Here comes my own version that couldn't have turned out better:
-2 eggs (use the entire egg, I find no peace in throwing away the yellow parts)
-50 grams of sugar
-a couple of dates, cut in small pieces
-25 grams of Chia seeds
-40 grams of dairy butter (a.k.a. REAL butter)
- as many raspberries you can possibly add on top in the end ( I topped mine with three pink ones)
- 100 grams of whole wheat flour
Mix all except for the raspberries. You want them alive and in one piece. After you filled up the muffin cups, gently fold in the pink raspberries. Bake at 180° for half an hour or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean! Voilà. There you go. Bon appetit!

The Raspberry Kiss.
yes, that's what I call my latest Truly Mar kitchen adventure. This experiment turned out really great. So far I have surprised my boyfriend, my father-in-law and myself with this très sweet bite. Even the dog approved, hovering over the kitchen floor with his snout searching for forgotten crumbs like a prospector looking for gold.

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