Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Just a quick DIY I did today; Black on White Message Tealight Holder. I was at garden centre Tuinland with my mom today when I spotted this really cute white tealight holder with a message. The one that I liked said: XXX. 


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I can't believe it. I'm going to Barcelona! In two weeks my mother, my grandmother, my aunt and me will be flying from Amsterdam with KLM to Barcelona airport. I am super excited for several reasons. For my grandmother this will be the first time traveling by plane. So for her it is a really big deal. And I am so looking forward to spending time with the three women in my family.
And apart from all that, Barcelona has been on my secret travel list for a little while now. Negin and Andy always enchanted me with their gorgeous pictures taken in this city.

This trip is actually a birthday gift from my mother and aunt to my grandmother. But since it's easier to travel in even numbers, they asked if I wanted to join. Oh come on, who are they kidding? They didn't need ask ;).

I have never been to Spain, Catalonia or anything in that region so I can't wait to walk around in park Güell and feel the sun on my face.

We haven't planned everything out but we really want to go on a tapas biking tour! Doesn't that sound wonderful? Best of both worlds if you ask me!

Only two more weeks... You can follow my adventures in Barcelona with the hashtag #marbarcelona
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